Did you work at the Standard or Triumph – at Canley, Radford, Banner Lane, Northey Road, Allesley, Tile Hill, Western Avenue (London), Bordesley Green (Birmingham), Speke (Liverpool), Berkeley Square (London) or any of the associated sites/companies associated with Standard Triumph? If so, we’d love to hear from you to build a database of names associated with the Standard and Triumph company. Read More HERE. You may notice adverts on the site. You can help this site by clicking on them which supports the archive. Thank you.
List of Names (Surnames First)
Submit a Ex-employee
To add a name, click on the ‘Submit a Name’ link above.
Please add the surname first. Use the format: Smith, John in the name field, then add a description; here you can include a role, location, service dates etc plus any other information you think may be of interest, finishing with your name (you may be submitting on behalf of a family member). Don’t worry how much – or little – you write in the description box – everything helps!
PLEASE NOTE: By using the ‘submit name’ element on the site we DO NOT get any record of you or your email and sometimes we’d love to get in touch with you, but we can’t! Please either drop your email details on the entry (don’t worry we won’t publish that) or a separate email to say ‘hello’.
Thank you.
We’d love you to get involved with this project. You can email us your info to iwas@standardtriumphworks.co.uk or post a name directly on the ‘submit name’ link.

The archive has now over 4,500 name entries and with
articles on the site. During May, 2018 we reached 100,000 website hits. May 2019 we reached 500,000 website hits. February 2022 we achieved one million hits! Take a look at the Latest News posts to see the articles.Video Gallery – SEE HERE
ALF WELCH – Read about a character who was one of the inspirations to this archive.
Thank you for all the submissions in the database. In addition some people have articles, info, memories and photos. We’ll show everything, that comes in, at some point soon, please bear with us. We still need more… Email your stories today!
Would you like to contribute regularly to the site? Let us know.
NB. Due to SPAM attacks registration to the site is currently suspended. Genuine people please get in touch via email. Thank you.
This website was launched February 1, 2017.
NEW: Recognise Anyone? A selection of people we need your help identifying. CLICK HERE