In the records of employment at the Standard Triumph works stands the name of Jimmy Green, left after 35 years’ service. Jimmy Green has just left again after 45 years’ service — 80 years’ service in all. But wait a moment, how can Jimmy Green have put in 80 years? Explanation, please.
The first Jimmy Green is the father of the second Jimmy Green !

Jimmy Green No. 2 retired recently, and his friends and colleagues in the Tool Kit Stores, Canley, presented him with a wallet stuffed with money. Jimmy Green No. 1 retired in 1946, when he was aged 76 — and he is still going strong at 94 ! — a Standard Triumph pensioner.
Jimmy junior started with Standard Triumph at Widdrington Road in 1915, to learn gear cutting in the repair machine shops. Meanwhile Jimmy’s father was a maintenance foreman at Cash’s Lane, and the “Pudding Pits”.
Jimmy junior was called up in 1918 to the Warwicks and was discharged in 1919. He restarted work at Widdrington Road, and later was moved to Cash’s Lane. Next, he was moved to Canley with the Con Rod Section, and took turns as chargehand on nights.
When the Aero No. 1 shadow factory was completed at Fletch. Jimmy moved there to be chargehand on the cylinder head section. During World War II, Jimmy worked on Bristol, Pegasus, and Hercules aircraft engines. In 1946, Jim’s father retired. The Aero No. 1 factory closed down after the war, and Jimmy moved to Banner Lane in the tractor machine shop. In 1955, he asked to be moved to Canley as an internal driver, and he spent eight years at this in Final Finish.
Just over two years ago, Jimmy moved to Tool Kit Spares.
A magnificent family record — and both Jimmy Greens have never regretted being in the motor industry with Standard Triumph.
ARCHIVE: December, 1963