The photograph of the last Triumph Herald off the production line has offered a new name…
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P.V. Williams – Mosquito Test Pilot
P.V. Williams, Standard Motors Aeroplane test pilot. Continue reading “P.V. Williams – Mosquito Test Pilot”
Factory 1922
Costs Department Pt2
Wal Horsfall – Sheetmetal Worker
Wal Horsfall started as a sheetmetal worker in the old farm buildings at Canley. After some years he moved to the Press Shop. In 1937 he was made a chargehand in the Bonnet Shop, whilst Joe Cappleman as chargehand on petrol tanks.
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Jack Kearton – Jigmaker
Jack Kearton, a jigmaker in 12A Shop, Canley, came to Coventry from South Wales in the 1920s. He found work as a machinist and then worked on testing Dolomites at the old Triumph works for eight years. He did not join Standard Triumph, however, until during the last war.
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