Wal Horsfall started as a sheetmetal worker in the old farm buildings at Canley. After some years he moved to the Press Shop. In 1937 he was made a chargehand in the Bonnet Shop, whilst Joe Cappleman as chargehand on petrol tanks.
Car production stopped in 1939 and work started on the Oxford trainer aeroplane. Joe Cappleman was made foreman over all sheetmetal workers, and the three chargehands were Wal Horsfall, Reg Bowers and Bill Chandler.
The three stalwarts Wal, Reg, and Bill have all retired recently and are all proud of the fact that they worked together for over 30 years. In fact, their service totals well over 100 years.
In 1945 they all mosed with the department to the new Sheetmetal Workshop at Canley and worked together until retirement.

There was a large congregation of tinsmiths to see Wal Horsfall presented with his retirement gift of money by foreman Joe Cappleman. Mr Cappleman spoke of his happy association with Wal in the past and thanked him for his help. Wal said he had never regretted joining Standard Triumph and had enjoyed his years as a tinsmith.
Mr and Mrs Horsfall will still live at 6 Bates Road, Earlsdon, where there is a large garden. Wal is keen on motoring and will be visiting relatives in his Triumph 1300. He will be especially missed by the Planning Office who called him Uncle Wal.
Chargehand Sheetmetal worker. 40 years service
Retired 1969
Archive December, 1969
Archive December, 1969