Modern Dance Club

The Modern Dance Club commences its next season on 7th September, at the Pavilion, Canley, when all members, old and new, will be welcome.

Standard Triumph CanleyExcellent opportunities are available for anyone wishing to learn to dance. Tuition classes are held every Thursday evening from 7.30 p.m. until 8 O’clock, under the special guidance of Alf Kendall and Hetty Armstrong, both of the Kendall School of Dancing. From 8 o’clock until 10.30 p.m. there is dancing to gramophone records.

Dances are held periodically by the above Club, when a small dance band is hired for the occasion. Membership fee is 2/6d. This entitles the member and partner to attend any tuition class on payment of I/- each, whereas visitors must pay 1/6d. each. Anyone wishing to join the Club, or requiring further information, should contact one of the under-mentioned who will be only too pleased to be of assistance.

Mr. L. Angus, Tool Room, Canley.
Mr. L. Evans, Tool Room, Canley.
Mr. G. Brown, Tool Room, Canley.
Mr. T. Coates, No. 2 Shop, Banner Line.
Mr. D. Knox, No. 1 Shop, Banner Lane.
Miss J. Assinder, Wages Banner Lane.
Miss B. Moore, Accounts Department, Banner Lane.

ARCHIVE: September, 1950