With very little to go on this first photo – amazingly another is found that offers more detail.

The first photo dates perhaps to the 1930’s and shows a group of Standard ladies all dressed in the same uniform, with a nurse shown on the left.

Then this photo is unearthed, perhaps earlier, with a very helpful banner. Standard Ladies Physical Culture Club. The little twelve – hence the thought that those is the earlier photograph. Keep fit (a keep fit club?) and helping those who are not (we presume helping those who aren’t fit, instead of those that aren’t british!)
Can you help with any information on this club and/or suggest any dates?
We have found references to the club from 1931 through to 1936, with Miss Fessnidge named as the leader.
1936 Thirty-five members of the Standard Ladies’ were entertained to tea as guests of Captain and Mrs J.P. Black.
In 1933 , the Standard Ladies Physical Culture Club gave “an excellent display on the lawn of club swinging, running and marching.”