Charlie Rodgers (65) maintenance foreman in Paint Shop, Canley, retired after 20 years with Standard Triumph.

Charlie served in the R.A.F. for six years in the 1939-45 War and on demobilisation joined Daimler in Coventry. In 1952 he joined Triumph as a millwright and was made a foreman in 1959.
Mr L. R. Baker, Chief Works Engineer, presented Charlie with a three seater garden lounger and a sum of money from Maintenance Dept.
Joe Driver, foreman, presented a generous cheque from electricians.
Bill Marshall presented a cheque from Maintenance Grant and Retirement Fund.
Mr E. K. Wadsworth, Works Engineer, presented a bouquet to Mrs Rodgers. Mr and Mrs Rodgers live in Nuneaton, but have a caravan in North Wales.
ARCHIVE: April, 1973
UPDATE: On the photo between Ken Wadsworth and Mrs Rodgers is Fred Picken, Foreman Pipefitter at the time. To the right of Charlie Rodgers is Bert Grierson, Foreman electrician at the time.
Submitted by David Mileham